Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Sunday was a crazy day. There were two bus loads of little kids running all around the grounds! For them Sunday means a trip up to the chacara (mission) for a jump in the pool, playing basketball and soccer, a tasty lunch, and church service.
There was a lot to do and a lot of people it watch but we all did it willingly because these kids are soooo great. They never fail to amuse us and they never run out of hugs to give.
I find it funny that we come on missions trips to give completely of ourselves to the people we serve but we finish everyday happier than before. Everyday we are the ones who are replenished and loved on by these children.
The entire day is like playing charades because when we don't know the words we act out our sentences! And when that fails too, we resort to tickling and chasing them, carrying them and swinging them.
Watching them all board back on the buses to go home was too hard for Rebecca and I..we had to go with them just to feel their joy a few moments longer!

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