Monday, June 30, 2008

soap, toothpaste and vitamin c

This is our last meeting as a group before we embark Monday. We are here at Blanca and Joe's house packing everything from soap to toothpaste, and from socks to diapers. We are carefully trying to plan according to the rigorous and unforgiving weight restrictions that determine how much relief we will be able to bring into the country. The good news is, the Cuban people are not picky- they will find a use for anything we bring, including those plastic grocery bags that we so easily through away. Staples such as these weigh almost nothing to bring in and we anticipate will be much appreciated. Among the more resourceful items, perscription glasses that have been donated will be a life-changing match to the person with the need.
Blanca has spearheaded this mission to Cuba, "Mission ispossible" based on Matthew 19:26.

"Jesus looked up at them and said, '
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'"
Our dynamic group members are:
Joe Cespedes
Blanca Correa-Cespedes
Maria Gonzales
Lisset Cascudo
Jordan Ross
Mia Machado-Correa
Lazaro Tabares
Isabel Tabares
Heinrich Orth
Felix Campos
Melissa Basti
Yami Lima
Fred Kohly
Ricky Kohly
Robert McNeal
Carolyn Kohly
Susanna Kohly
Jorge Quadreny

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