Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thoughts from the Havana Airport

By: Lisset Cascudo
  • We are the the Nehemiah's of our generation
  • I've never  been so proud to be Cuban. Out land is beautiful and the people are smart and resourceful.
  • This is our mission: to share the message of salvation to those that don't know Jesus and to encourage those that do.
  • The thing that I am taking away with me is that we all need to forgive the grievances of the past. All Cubans have a common goal to see a nation blessed by God both spiritually and economically. This starts with reconciliation w/ God and with each other. 
  • One thing that has been consistent as we visit with people and the churches:  It is a great source of encouragement that those that live with abundance come back to carry those that don't live in abundance. 

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