Tuesday, November 25, 2008

12 TONS of Help for Haiti

Dear Family and Friends,

I wanted you to know that today 25,483 pounds of food, water, blankets, first aid and other supplies are en route to Haiti to help save lives and strengthen hope. When our men delivered the 12+ tons of help we had gathered, Food for the Poor told us it was the largest contribution collected in the shortest amount of time they had ever received. They were so inspired they called the Miami Herald to come and report on it! Glory to God!

Lives are being helped this week because UBC stepped up, and in 9 ½ hours ignited in spontaneous compassion to share some real hope in the name of Jesus! Thank you for being a part of such an amazing and personal response to our neighbor nation in need.

I’m so thankful to be part of such a “can do” church community (Phil 4:13). What’s even more meaningful to me is that such acts of compassion are happening throughout the body right now…in small groups, through area ministries, to those needing help within our church family and through us to people in the poorest parts of Dade County. UBC is making the love of Jesus known through personal acts of compassion.

Thank you, for your part in it. May God multiply back to you according to His inexhaustible supply of riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).

Check out 2 Corinthians 9:9-15 for a special bonus blessing for this Thanksgiving season!

Privileged to be His and yours,
Pastor Bill

(video and photos coming soon...)

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