Monday, February 23, 2009

Camp 2009

It’s that time again…………… Long days, good food, semi-sleepless nights, pranks, campfires, in other words………Camp! Camp 2009 is in full force here for the teenagers and the tired eyes prove it! This week in Brazil is Carnival time where immorality and promiscuity is abundant so these camps are designed to offer a healthier atmosphere for them to have fun, and learn about God. Thankfully the weather forecasters have been wrong every day, so far, and we’ve had beautifully hot weather and no rain (answer to prayer).

The theme of this year’s camp is about the Armor of God with Pete, our Seminary student, Daniel, and our co-worker, Bret, leading the bible studies three times a day. The kids have so much fun running around the lush green property, swimming in the pool, and playing games. Almost all of them come from very poor areas with terrible living conditions so this is like paradise for them! Many of these kids participating have been able to do so thanks to their “Embrace-a-Child” sponsor’s sooooo, Thank you sponsors!!! We are taking lots of pictures to record the fun.

Check back again in the next few days for a continuation of camp happenings and please continue praying for these at-risk kids!

Pete & Jodi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting - love the updates! We are praying for you guys...know you are doing GREAT things - what a privilege it is to support you in your kingdom work.