Sunday, March 8, 2009

Everyone's a winner!

Today, in our morning church service, was the day that we announced the winners of the soccer championships. Complete with "medals" and trophies each team was awarded according to their achievements. Everyone who played won something and they were thrilled! Lots of hooping and hollering were heard and deafening whistles accompanied the award giving. This championship brought a lot of newcomers to our church, all of which have been presented the Gospel very clearly. Please continue to pray for these teens!
A woman and her husband came to our church this morning to "get to know the place" as they had heard so much about it. She works in a neighborhood not too far from here where there are many at-risk teens with absolutely nothing to do but mess with drugs. Her dream has been to find a place that she could invite them to hear the Gospel. Knowing that they won't go to a regular church building she really embraced the way we do church here on Sunday morning....outdoor recreation, music/singing, classes for believers and for non-believers, then more recreation! Continue to pray that we can reach more and more youth for Chirst!
Also, please keep us in prayer as we have a large group of youth coming in two weeks from Tennessee to minister with us here and in the favelas. A lot of planning and coordination goes into these groups and, even though we have lots of fun, it's also very tiring for all.
Pete and Jodi

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