Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Parents and Friends

Well I would like to brag about how amazing today was for all of your children. This morning everybody started their construction projects, and WOW!! It was such an eye-opening experience. As I, Cody Johnson – 10th grade, walked into the home we have 5 days to build, I felt heartbroken. It was disappointing and shocking to see that 4 years after Hurricane Katrina, literally nothing was done to this women’s home. It’s funny to watch major media stop coverage of Katrina related stories, supposedly because “it’s old news.” Well, what if I told you only 35-40% of Mississippi has been rebuilt? Volunteers are needed in large quantities because according to FEMA, “at the current pace, Mississippi won’t be fully rebuilt until 2015." It’s a pain-staking process that lies ahead, however God is larger than any obstacle. My prayer for this week has been Psalm 90. It’s a motivation for me and I encourage you to read it. Tomorrow will be an even longer and harder day here, but all of this is for the glory of God, so the pain doesn’t matter.

God Bless, UBC Roots (Cody Johnson)

1 comment:

Heather Johnson said...

Cody- We are SO proud of what God is doing in your heart and the many others you and your team has touched in Ms. God is planted His seeds there and I am looking forward to hear of His work upon you return. We are praying for you and your team. Love~ MOM