Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dominican Republic mission 09 Saturday

As our driver picked us up we noticed he had glasses on which he had forgotten to wear the night before, no wonder the almost close call accident! Our first stop was the school, we needed to figure out how much paint and material to buy, thank God that Luis came on the trip his expertise is invaluable. We felt very welcomed by the kids in the neighborhood; the all recognized us from last year. Some of us went to the paint store and the Soares’ family ventured out to shop for food and buy supplies to cook for the group. As most of the team was applying primer to the walls the Soares were figuring out how to cook since electricity comes in and out most of the day, they borrowed a gas burner. WOW can they cook! Can you imagine traveling on a mission trip with your personal cooks!!!! The day was great since we finished the primer, had an excellent meal and shared lots of time with the kids in the area.

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