Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wonderful news!

Many thanks to those of you who were praying for Anderson to get his visa. HE GOT IT!! Now he will travel next month to Tennessee to participate in a church youth camp, actually, in possibly two. He will see the ins-and-outs of how a large camp is organized and run and bring back with him all that knowledge to better our camp ministry here. We are so happy for him as this is his chance of a lifetime. He grew up very, very poor, no one in his family has ever achieved much of anything, and this has been a huge dream for him for many years. He has many friends awaiting his arrival there, friends he has made here over the years with visiting mission teams. We are very proud of him and his achievements. Please continue to pray for him and his time there.
Update on the blog below......Clarita still remains in the shelter under social service care. Her mother is now is danger of losing, not only Clarita but, all six of her kids to the state. Please continue to pray.....
Pete and Jodi

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