Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayer Request

I was really encouraged this Sunday evening in the favela where we have a church. We arrived early which left me plenty of time to go visiting. I visited several woman whom I've known for years and thoroughly enjoyed sitting in their humble little shacks listening to their problems and their praises. These women are believers and, despite their extremely simple situations, they've always embraced me (and I them) as the best of friends. We pray together, they share their anxieties and we uplift each others spirits in a way that can't be described. I am glad that the Lord put us smack in the middle of places where many others do not want to go. For this I give thanks to our Maker.........Jodi
Prayer Request:
  • Please keep Kay Gackle and Katie Carabello in your prayers as they prepare for their trip here next week. Pray that their visas arrive in time, for a safe trip, and for the Lord to work mightly in their hearts while they are here. I am excited about taking them to the favelas to meet our friends there :)
  • Please pray for Brian, here from St Pete for a few months, that the Lord will use him and speak to him during this time


  • More people have made decisions this week for the Lord and others have recognized their distance from HIM after becoming a believer years ago and not following HIM faithfully.


Pete and Jodi

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