Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Newsletter Update

Just to let everyone know we sent out our April Newsletter this week. If you did not get one and would like to receive a pdf version please click on this link: newsletter and a copy will be emailed to you. If you do not have email please click on the link and, in the body of the email, please give us your name and complete address.

Excerpt from page 2: "Living in despair, helplessness, suffering (physically, emotionally, and spiritually), hopelessness, and loneliness not being able to look into the future for relief….It ALL reminds me of a hell without the flames" [describing Favela Moinho where we minister]

"There may even be a preacher available to preach the gospel, but where is the shepherd who will shepherd them into the next generation? Jesus had to repeat himself to one of His closest followers… If you love me take care of my sheep."

Blessings, Pete & Jodi............Feed My Sheep Brazil

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