Sunday, July 12, 2009

Havana Mission Team

Day 1: The Cuba Team of 14 arrived in Havana on June 23rd. Their was clear opposition at the airport as most of the team was questioned about their reasons for visiting Cuba. It was a wonderful time to practice Spirit-led prayer and to have complete confidence in the Lord's leading at the airport. We all got through. Pastor Abel Hernandez from Victory Outreach Church was waiting outside eager to be in community with his Miami family.
Day 2, 3, 4: The team hosted a children and teen camp at the "Curita" Park in Havana Vieja. The team played sports with the children, taught them dances and did arts and crafts. Even the adults walking through the park learned the dances. At the completion of each day, the children, teens and adults gathered as the camp leaders shared their testimony and the Gospel. Many people gave their lives to the Lord. Those who did were connected to Victory Outreach Church for discipleship.
Day 4: Friday evening the team along with the church's young adults gathered for a time of worship and sharing the Gospel at the Park "G." A demon-possessed man attacked the group and specifically our team. We continued to worship and pray fervently to be able to do the work the Lord had planned for us. He finally left in a rage and we moved to preach the good news of Jesus to teens and young adults at the park.
Day 5: The team and Victory Outreach Church crammed inside two yellow school buses and headed to Lenin Park about 30 minutes outside Havana for a time of worship, fellowship and food. We had a great day!
Day 6: Sunday was our "Family Day." The team members invited any family living in Havana to gather for lunch and a devotional time. Pastor Able shared the good news of Jesus and invited them to attend the afternoon church service. During the church service many team members shared their experience in Cuba.
Day 7: As we headed to the airport, there was concern that 2 members of the team would not be able to travel back due to immigration problems. The team prayed at the airport and the issue was resolved immediately. We arrived in Miami on June 29th.

Pictures coming soon!

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