Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday in Nica

There are few moments in Miami when you find yourself really slowing down to take in each moment.  I feel like every minute here is like that.  The children here are teaching me so many lessons, like how to be thankful for what you have and how to have some crazy fun sliding down a 15 foot pile of sand and gushing water without fear! Their smiles are contagious and I find myself enjoying the lack of technology and the abundant time we have to spend with one another as a result.

Some of the girls have taught our team the Hanana Montana dance which is awesome that some things are cross cultural (haha)!  I have been working with 15-17 year olds and we named our team the green crocodiles singing "We will, we will rock you" accept we re-wrote it as "Vivan, Vivan los verdes...vivan vivan los coco-drilos."  I don' think it makes any sense but you still gotta love their creativity.

God is all over this place.  It's been awesome to worship as one big FAMILY and to love on these kids.  I think one of the biggest things God is teaching me is that we are all missionaries.  It doesn't matter if you are in Nicaragua or in Miami we are on mission all the time called to LOVE each person we meet.

~Jenny Becker

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