Friday, July 17, 2009


We are coming home today. This morning as I sit here with God on the third floor I realize I am overwhelmed by His the love that He has poured out on us during the trip. Our times together as a group the last few nights have been incredible! On Wednesday we went into La Chureca in the morning. We went into the school and played with the kids during recess. We talked about how awesome their instantaneous love was, they just reached up and and held on tightly when you picked them up. They could play for hours and they had giant smiles on their faces. Such a humble blessing to be loved like that! We walked around the dump too and went by a clinic there too and there was this little boy crying. Janeen translated that he was with his mom and she fainted and they fell into a burning trash pile and his feet were burned. I know this is not an abnormal experience and it breaks my heart, I mean really breaks my heart aches when I think about how much God loves those people, they are His children and yet here they are, settling for the trash of this world. I wonder how often I break God's heart by settling for the trash of this world too. 

Wednesday afternoon we went to Ruby's, a friend of the Buzbees and Farringtons. She prayed over each one of us and it was such a raining down of the Holy Spirit. So refreshing and completely overwhelming that God chose to meet us and strengthen us and love us so much.

Wednesday night, during our group time, Janeen led us in a prayer time and then we washed each other's feet and wrote love letters to God. What a sweet time with the group and so powerful! 

Thursday we went to the market in the morning and then visited Casa Havilah and Casa Roble-the two rescue homes they have started down here. It was great to see the kids again, 14 of the 17 girls came to camp with us and a few of the boys came from Roble to camp, so it was nice to see them again, play a little and say goodbye to them.

We are coming home today and for me it's always bittersweet. I cannot wait to see my husband and son, but each time I come here, God connects my heart even more, and it gets harder to leave. Again I am overwhelmed by the love that I have felt for the people on this trip with me, by God's grace that He just lavishes on us, by how much I love the people here, by how humbled I am to be the "leader" of this trip and used in any way at all, by how majestic our God is and that when you come on a trip like this you realize that God is really God of everything everywhere.

Please pray for the medical team who is on their way here right now!

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