Thursday, November 19, 2009

Touching Miami with Love Christmas Store 2009

Through your generous giving to the Touching Miami with Love Christmas Store for 2009, 75 families (with 3 to 5 kids each) in Overtown will be blessed through the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for their family at reduced prices.

Here's how you can help:

Bring an unwrapped toy or toys by Sunday, December 6th (click here for a list of suggestions) to UBC’s white mission bins (next to the main office). When dropping off donated toys, please attach receipt or make note of original price so that making the discount will be easy.

If you do not have time to buy toys, you can donate money to UBC and note on your check for "Touching Miami with Love" or you can take the toys directly to TML no later than December 9th.

The Toy Store will be opened to families on December 11th and 12th.


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