Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Touching Miami with Love Christmas Store 2009 Update

The Christmas list...all kids love to make them as the holidays approach yet, whatever the wish, mom and dad may not be able to afford it. And nothing hurts more than the inability to provide their own special memories for their children. That’s why we started a new tradition that’s built on dignity, not dependency. We call it “The Christmas Store” at Touching Miami with Love. Touching Miami with Love is a faith-based non-profit began 1994 and serves the community of Overtown through programs for children, youth and adults.

The Christmas Store program, founded in 1983 by an urban ministry in Atlanta, is simple in concept, yet extremely rewarding to both parents and children in need. New toys are donated and marked for sale at drastically reduced prices. Parents are invited to come and shop for their children choosing the toys they know their children will enjoy and take pride in being able to provide for their families. Parents have a pre-determined budget to spend of $10 per child and leave with an armful of presents rather than just one toy. Parents delight through choosing the toys they know their children will enjoy receiving and maintain dignity by purchasing it themselves rather than a handout. All proceeds from the sale of the toys, 100% with no administrative cut, go back into purchasing additional toys for the store. The program also provides a meaningful way for the more fortunate to donate children’s gifts during the Christmas season. The program has been replicated by urban centers across the country each putting their own parameters on the specifics.

Touching Miami with Love, the only site in Miami, has been hosting a Christmas Store since 2003. This year Touching Miami with Love through the generous donations of area churches, groups, and caring volunteers, we provided over 185 children with a fabulous Christmas with their families.

We asked parents to complete a survey this year and over 90% said they were “Very Satisfied” or “Satisfied” with The Christmas Store. Here’s a few of the nice things that were said why they rated the store so favorably:
• Because if I were to go to the store I would pay triple the price
• I am satisfied because of the politeness, cheery, and friendly the staff is
• The store had everything I wanted
• Extremely happy because in the times that were leading my kids are going to have their
• I thought this was such a great idea for the community. It helped people who couldn’t afford to go out and pay the full price for gifts, for gifts at a cheaper price.

In answer to the question, “What makes Touching Miami with Love’s Christmas Store different from other Christmas toy programs?” here is a sampling of some of the responses:
• The name (Touching Miami with Love) speaks for itself
• Because you have choice of picking what you want
• It’s not a toy giveaway like other Christmas toy programs

Thank you for your support of this important event for our community!

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